Are you spending time in the gym or dedicated to your workout routine only to find that you are not getting the results you want? There could be many factors at play that are contributing to that feeling of disappointment you are experiencing and here is a list of some to consider and what you can do to turn it around.
You have unrealistic expectations
If you have never run before and want to run your first marathon in a matter of months you will need to think again. Or perhaps you want to drop multiple dress sizes in weeks, again, you will need to go back to the drawing board. When it comes to working out and its results you need to prepare yourself for the long haul. Fitness doesn’t happen overnight, strength isn’t gained instantaneously and weight isn’t lost in days. To be sure you are not left feeling deflated and demotivated from your workouts be sure that you have realistic expectations in place.
To help you set realistic expectations break down your goal into smaller manageable steps. Using the marathon, for example, you could start with setting your goal to run a mile, then 5k, then 10k and slowly build up to your overall goal. Not only will this help to make your goal more achievable it will provide you with the inspiration and motivation you might need along the way to keep going.
Your nutrition isn’t right
Whether you are looking to improve fitness, lose weight, or gain muscle the workouts you do are only a small part of the journey. In fact, one of the biggest influencing factors is the food you eat and the drinks you drink. Personal trainers love the mantra ‘abs aren’t built in the gym but the kitchen’ and it is with good reason. Eating the right foods will support your workouts and help you to achieve your goals much quicker.
Firstly if you are feeling lethargic before workouts you want to be sure you are fuelling your body properly so that it can cope with the level of exertion you are putting it through.
If you want to lose weight then your workouts have to be supported with a diet that can make this a possibility. If you are still consuming too many calories or highly saturated fats the workouts are going to have little impact. If you do consider yourself to be overweight or need help with your weight management speak to your physician before undertaking a new fitness regime or to help you on your journey.
If you want to gain muscle then you have to ensure you are not only eating a sufficient amount of calories but that you are getting these calories from the right food groups such as proteins. If you need help with this consider talking through your dietary requirements with a dietician or suitably qualified personal trainer.
Finally, avoid alcohol. Not only is alcohol empty calories that will inhibit your nutrition it can also leave you feeling tired, groggy, and de-motivated making your workouts harder or even non-existent. If you need help battling the booze consider reaching out to professional services such as Sunshine Behavioural Health.
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